Our work Past projects and activities ACT Hubs projects Argyll's Secret Coast Trails leaflets Project: Argyll's Secret Coast Trails leaflets Community group: Tighnabruaich District Development Trust (TDDT) and Kilfinan Community Forest Location: Tighnabruaich and Kames Region: Dunoon and Cowal Project summary ACT Hubs supported improved access and interpretation in Argyll's Secret Coast (Cowal) through the design of a leaflet and interpretation panel illustrating local walks. Project details Walk this way Tighnabruaich District Development Trust (TDDT) and Kilfinan Community Forest proposed the idea of improving information and access for local walking trails in Argyll's Secret Coast, starting with the villages of Tighnabruaich and Kames. We worked with the community groups to provide advice and guidance regarding interpretation and to refine ideas for engaging with locals and visitors. It was agreed that a leaflet illustrating local walking trails would be essential. The community groups would also organise path improvements and maintenance with the help of external funding and volunteers. Support from ACT Hubs We facilitated a public meeting to gather opinion and knowledge about current and historical walking paths, preferred format for leaflets, brand identity, points of interest and volunteer interest. This provided enough information to guide the content and design of an interpretive leaflet of walking trails. Designer Shirley Lochhead of ‘Tea and Type’ won the contract to design a leaflet and interpretation panel for the first group of trails around Tighnabruaich, and to provide a template and style guidelines for the easy completion of any future leaflets and panels. We worked with TDDT and Kilfinan Community Forest to collate content for the leaflet including path descriptions and photos. We provided the completed design and the community groups printed the leaflet using funding received from Paths for All. The interpretation panel design was also completed and will be installed by the community. More information The completed leaflet can be viewed here. SCT_Leaflet1_Tighnabruaich_Kames_Web_version.pdf Additional leaflets commissioned by TDDT can be found at local outlets and on their website.