Our Advisors Our advisors represent the majority of active sectors and agencies working across Argyll and the Isles and are on hand to provide advice to our Board and our staff. David Adams McGilp - Visit Scotland Suzi Billings - SAMS Mairi Coleman - LiveArgyll Arlene Cullum - Argyll & Bute Council (Social Enterprise) Marina Curran-Colthart - Argyll & Bute Council (Biodiversity) Jolyon Gritten - Argyll & Bute Council (Access) Nick Halls Carrie Hill - NHS Highland Jonny Sutherland - Forest and Land Scotland Fergus Murray - Argyll & Bute Council (Economic Development) David Rennie - Argyll & Bute Council (Social Enterprise) Andy Robinson - RSPB Margaret Wallace - Argyll TSI Colin MacFarlane - NatureScot Lauren Worrell - NFUS Sally Wilkin - Kilmartin Museum Kenny McNab - Clyde Fishermen's Trust