Our work Current projects ACT Now and Eat Reducing food waste with Food Share ACT Now has a strong focus on assisting the Mid Argyll community lower its household food waste, encourage sustainable food sourcing, and generally lower the carbon emissions associated with food mileage. The ACT Now project has developed novel ways to meet the needs of Mid Argyll residents and the environment. ACT Now were delighted to be the Co-op Food Share partners with the Lochgilphead and Inveraray stores. The Food Share programme is all about ensuring unsold food products reach and feed the people in the local community who need it most to prevent food waste. In Lochgilphead the ACT Now Project worked in partnership with the MS Centre to ensure the food reached the community. The MS Centre is ideally placed to ensure this legacy of action on food waste continues and they operate this scheme every week day. Grow your own ACT Now has worked with Clare Holohan at Highland Herbal to produce some online instructional videos covering "growing on your own windowsill" and autumnal cooking. These were some of the requested ideas from the original project survey. More information Check out the Love Food Hate Waste webpage. It is a great resource for making the most of what is in your kitchen cupboards...and more! Contact Jamie Joyce, ACT Now Project Officer: [email protected]; 07943020241