News Thank you from Branching Out Thanks to donations received through our Branching Out funding appeal and a funding award from Argyll and Bute Council's Supporting Communities Fund 2019-20 we are able to provide some additional sessions for Branching Out participants. Our three-year funded Branching Out project concluded in March 2019. The highly successful project has provided support to people with long term mental health conditions throughout Argyll through a structured programme of woodland-based activities. We know that there is an appetite for further Branching Out programmes in Argyll and that there are many more people who could benefit from this brilliant project. We are doing our best to secure funding to continue the project long-term. In the mean time, thanks to the kind donations and the funding award we are able to provide some interim sessions across five sites in Argyll and Bute. We hope to be reporting back soon with even more good news that will allow the project to continue for longer. Thank you for your support.