Biodiversity is the variety of all living things. It is vital for providing us with everything from food, water, and medicines, to cultural experiences and mental wellbeing. We are lucky in Argyll and the Isles to have a huge variety of habitats and species in our coast and countryside. 

What we do

One of our key objectives is to care for and enhance our environment. We do this by working strategically and locally to improve and conserve a number of these species and habitats. We encourage local people to participate in biodiversity and conservation activities and work with our partners to educate and raise awareness about habitats, species, and geology. We want to ensure that Argyll and the Isles remains a desirable place to live, work and visit, and that communities feel a sense of ownership, empowerment, and responsibility to help keep it that way for future generations.

Several of our current projects are working with communities to tackle invasive non-native species and restore native habitats. Invasive non-native species are one of the five most serious threats to biodiversity. Would you like to know more about invasive non-native species and what you could do to identify and report invasive non-native species in your area? Have a look at these external links which have lots of useful information:

Identifying and reporting invasive non-native species

How to help tackle invasive non-native species

More background information about invasive non-native species

Non-native species and forestry

Invasive rhododendron and forestry


Projects directly related to this theme: